For Men

Just For Men
“I think I’m pregnant.” Hearing this at the wrong time or from the wrong girl can raise the heart rate in some men. Panic may be setting in if this describes you, but hang on–there’s help!
For starters, here’s some quick advice that may be helpful right now:
✓ LISTEN: The situation involves more than just you.
✓ STAY CALM: She needs your support now more than ever.
✓ TALK ABOUT IT: Be open with each other and close family and friends.
✓ GATHER ALL THE FACTS: Get all the information and seek wise counsel.
✓ EXPRESS YOURSELF HONESTLY: It’s normal for men to have feelings of anger, frustration and fear. However, make sure she knows she is not alone.
We can offer helpful information just for you. If you are interested in learning more about pregnancy, abortion, or fatherhood–Contact us today to schedule a confidential initial consultation at NO CHARGE.