Be Brave
It’s about bravery. This a letter to the new mom, the mom in the trenches, the mom who lost her focus, the mom who’s finished the journey. It’s to the tired mom, to the one with a newborn and one … Continued
Options for Women in Missouri
It’s about bravery. This a letter to the new mom, the mom in the trenches, the mom who lost her focus, the mom who’s finished the journey. It’s to the tired mom, to the one with a newborn and one … Continued
Jacquie Speaks This is a true story about Jacquie. She, like many others want to share their story in an effort to encourage other women. Below she shares from her heart about her abortion experience and the events that followed. I was twenty … Continued
WHY SCHEDULE AN ULTRASOUND BEFORE AN ABORTION? When Lucy finally had the courage to look at the pregnancy test sitting next to the bathroom sink, she was devastated to see two lines. There was no way to stay in denial any … Continued
Talking to Your Grandparents About Sex My grandmother’s advice about sex began and ended with “DON’T DO IT!” Fortunately, my mother was a little more receptive to the conversation. But what do you do when your grandmother (or grandfather) are … Continued
You’re allowed to move on. To move on from a life that has done nothing but bruise you. To move on from a friend who has done nothing but belittle you. And to move on from a past lover, who … Continued
What’s the Big Deal about STD’s? SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES Common Symptoms: Abnormal Discharge/Order Itching/Burning during urination Sore/Bumps/Rashes Did you know that most people with an STD have no symptoms at all? BACTERIAL INFECTIONS: Bacterial infections can be treated by antibiotics. … Continued
She’s might be pregnant…now what? Has someone confided in you that she’s pregnant? What do you do? Whether it’s a friend, a family member, or you’re the father to be, your response to this news is vital! These are some … Continued
7 Considerations Before Choosing Home Birth Home Birth After a review of the most recent data, the ACOG (American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists), while acknowledging certain aspects of the safety and efficacy of home births in low-risk women using certified professional … Continued
You Are Who You Date The people we hang out with can determine the people we become. Recently I read an article that said in the next five years we will become a mix of the people we hang out with. It went … Continued
Premature Every year, an estimated 15 million babies are born premature (before 37 completed weeks of gestation), and this number is rising. Premature birth complications are the leading cause of death among children 5 years of age and under. This … Continued