Pregnancy Quiz

Pregnancy Quiz Am I Pregnant? TAKE THIS ONLINE PREGNANCY QUIZ   If you are wondering, “Am I pregnant?” you can read the signs that your own body is already giving you. Please take this early pregnancy quiz for help. 1. … Continued

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment is unwelcomed physical or verbal comments, attention or contact. The term sexual applies to comments on things like a person’s appearance, body parts, or sexual orientation. It may also include spreading gossip or rumors of a sexual nature. … Continued

Three Ways to Use Social Media Positively

By Rubina Kapil on June 19, 2019 “While notable shares [of teens] say they at times feel overwhelmed by the drama on social media and pressure to construct only positive images of themselves, they simultaneously credit these online platforms with … Continued

Ectopic Pregnancy

For more information, visit the original article: What is an ectopic pregnancy? The Fallopian tube is the most common site for ectopic pregnancies, but they can also occur on the ovary or the peritoneal surface of the abdominal cavity. … Continued

My Girlfriend’s Pregnant!!!

WHAT DO I DO NOW???!!! Are your feelings: Shock? Disbelief? Denial? Fear? Anger? My future is ruined? I’m too young? I just want to escape? Or maybe you and your girlfriend planned this, and your feelings are: Happy? Excited? A … Continued

In A Relationship

What do you want in a relationship? Whether you’re single or dating, what do you want in a relationship? Positive Qualities to Live By and Look For Here are eight positive qualities to strive for; but equally important, you should … Continued

Holly did not die in vain Launches Website in Memory of Holly Patterson by MONTY L. PATTERSON on SEPTEMBER 28, 2011 MIFEPRISTONE MEDICAL ABORTION: 11 YEARS LATER Approved in the U.S. on September 28, 2000, the mifepristone Abortion Pill is claimed to have had an extraordinary journey by abortion providers. … Continued